The Harvard Media Holiday Auction 2024 is on now! Your chance to save big on items like restaurant gift cards, travel opportunities or even tickets to a show! Get bidding now for your chance at great savings on gifts for yourself or loved ones!
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Harvard Media and play92 are proud to bring you the Charity Art Auction in support of Creative Kids Saskatchewan. Two classes from local schools go head-to-head in a friendly competition to raise funds, while showcasing their artistic talents. The artwork is also proudly displayed at the Conexus Arts Centre at the annual Winter Wonderland event. Place your bid now, in support of a great cause!
ALL FUNDS raised will go to Creative Kids Saskatchewan.
Creative Kids Saskatchewan believes that besides basic needs to be warm, fed, and clothed, it’s important to feed the spirit. They help children or youth facing financial or social barriers to feel accepted and included, the longed-for chance to make music, paint, act, or dance can be life changing.
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